Do I need a medical certificate for diving ?
YES! Every diver needs to have a medical certificate for diving, to make sure that your state of health does not excude you from this sport. This certificate needs renewal every 2 years. Divers older than 40 years need a yearly medical checkup.
What happens if I don't bring a medical certificate ?
Diver or beginner without medical certificate need to fill out a medical questioning upon regigstration for diving in our centre. This questioning MUST be answerded NO to all questions. If there is one single yes, a maybe or a don't know you need to get a medical certificate here in place. Right next door to the dive centre you may get one from the Centro Médico Maritimo.
Is it cheaper to get the medical certificate in Spain ?
Definately not! Get your medical examination in your country from a doctor who knows you and who you trust. It is recommendable to consult a doctor specialised in sports- and diving medicine.
Forms for medical certifications ?
Remember, the medical certificate is for your own safety! You do not get it for us or just to have a piece of paper! Make sure your examination is done by a professional medic who knows what it is for and which examinations are necessary.