
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver


Content of course

The Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD) is a pure practical course to gain more experience in several special areas of scuba diving.

Therefore you have to complete 5 dives out of five different 'Specialties'. 

PADI AOWD TouchThe theoretical preparation of each so-called "adventure dive" you will do with the help of an interactive online e-learning app. This e-learning program includes more than 20 different chapters about all possible adventure dives. However, you only have to prepare for five of them, but you have this learning module with all its content available as a reference work for life. At the end of each chapter you have to answer an online quiz to prove your understanding. It is imperative that you complete this academic preparation prior to participating in the Adventure Dive. If the preparation has not been completed, we unfortunately can't take you on the corresponding dive.

The practical skill training is then carried out here on site with one of our experienced instructors. This includes a detailed briefing on the corresponding adventure dive, the dive itself with its exercises and a corresponding debriefing after the dive. There will be no additional written exam.

Obligatory adventure dives are 

Three further adventure dives you may choose at your interests:

All AOWD dives can be used towards the related specialty courses. So if you do a wreck dive in your AOWD training you will need one dive less for your PADI Wreck Diver specialty. You will save time and money if you combine your AOWD training with some specialties. (See pricelist) And of course any specialty course counts for one dive on the PADI AOWD training. In this case the price for the AOWD will be reduced, please consult by mail if you already have some specialties.

Duration of the course

We can conduct 2 course dives per day, so the PADI AOWD will last at least 3 days. You may choose the dates for your AOWD dives as you like, no fixed course schedule necessary. You can select the date for your first adventure dive in the online reservation form for this course. 

Price of the course

The PADI Advanced Open Water e-learning app costs 180 € when booking the complete course here with us.
You may purchase this product also directly on the official PADI Shop pages for 243 € .
padi aowdThe PADI license fee of 60 € for your PADI Advanced Open Water Diver e-card is already included in the price for the e-learning app.

The price for the practical part of this course is 275 €

Cylinder and weights are included in the continued education courses. Any additional equipment that you do not have of your own, must be rented in place. You may find a complete list of all coned courses and our rental fees here.



FAQ Frequent questions

I have the "Open Water" and just some dives, can I attend the PADI AOWD course?

YES, this course is designed to gain experience. If you don't have much practice, we recommend to begin the course with the "Peek performance buoyancy" dive


Book your PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course NOW

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